void=dbSetProducer(template: string, type: symbol)
The function is to define the pattern, which will be used to set the database output. The pattern can be defined in the external file or it can be inserted as a text chain. ŠThe pattern can contain simple text, which can be in the html, rtf or any other format, for example XML, or even the Abstract Data Types format. The items in the database are defined as texts in the shape <#fieldName>, for example <#id>. If we don't insert the identificator <#fieldName> correctly, the filled values from the database will not be inserted in the pattern. If we use the pattern in the rtf format or html the whole sign <#fieldName> must be marked in one colour only and it mustn't be divided by any formatting signs. The pattern can be used in any type of the database items, but the items of the memo type.

The function has 2 parametres. The parameter teplate is of the string type and we either insert here name of the file
containing the appropriate pattern, or the text of the pattern. The way the text in the template parameter will be understood depends on the second parameter that is called type and its type is symbol. It can be of the #file or #string value.

Example - Director
global mdb
mdb.dbSetProducer("c:\temp27.txt", #file)
mdb.dbSetProducer("c:\temp12.html", #file)
mdb.dbSetProducer(member("temp").text, #string)
mdb.dbSetProducer(member("temp").html, #string)
mdb.dbSetProducer(member("temp").rtf, #string)