void=setCellFontStyle(col:integer, row:integer, style: List)
The function sets a text style for a cell.

Col and row are cell coordinates of the cell for which we set style. The type of style is Abstract Data Types format. In style we can insert the variables in the shape of the symbols that can have the following values #bold, #italic, #underline and #strikeout.
For example, setCellFontStyle(1, 1, [#bold, #italic]) sets bold and italic styles for a cell having coordinates[1,1], italic. setCellFontStyle(1, 1, [#bold]) only sets bold etc

Example - Director
global xls
xls.setCellVAlign(2, 10, setCellFontStyle, [#bold, #italic])

Example - Authorware
CallObject(xls; "setActiveSheet" ; 1) 
CallObject(xls; "setCellFontStyle"; 2; 10; [#bold; #italic])