variant=getCellValRef(ref: string)
The function returns contents of the cell according to the type of variable. If integer value is saved in a cell, integer value will be returned too. If double value is saved in a cell, double value will returned etc. If a Director or Authorware incompatible value is saved in a cell, string value is returned. This function is identical with the function getCellVal, the only difference is that we enter one string parameter Ref instead of Col and Row parameters.

Ref is a coordinate of the cell in format ColRow. Type of parametr is string, for example A1, C8, D22 etc.

Example - Director
global xls
put xls.getCellValRef("B7")

Example - Authorware
CallObject(xls; "setActiveSheet" ; 1) 
val:=CallObject(xls; "getCellValRef"; "B7")